Beeasy Return, Refund and Exchange Policy

We know that sometimes mistakes happen and you need to return a product. If you purchased the product directly through our website, and an issue occurs while using the product within 30 days of delivery, and the product is not improved using the solution provided by our customer service team, Beeasy will agree to a refund or exchange.

*If you purchased the product elsewhere (such as Amazon), please contact the seller directly to return the product.

In order for us to process your return, please contact us and provide a download and return beeasy form to our customer service email (
If you are returning an item because you changed your mind, you need to ensure that the product has not been used and is still in its original packaging. Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on any items that have been personalized, customized or altered for you.

Once we have received your returned item and the return form, we will email you to confirm the next steps. Our customer service team will let you know when you can expect to receive your exchange or refund. Please note that we cannot cover any return shipping costs and the original shipping costs are not refundable.

When you send your item back to us, it is best to choose a postage method that allows you to track your package and a postage method that will reimburse you for lost or damaged packages. We will not be able to process your return if the package does not reach us, so it is important to ensure that the package is safe during transportation. Please pack your package carefully to avoid damage during the return process, as we cannot replace or refund damaged products.